Connecting to and Partaking of Grace Part III

Connecting to and Partaking of Grace Part III

Event Description

Understanding Grace
First, let us examine the Hebrew (O.T.) and Greek (N.T.) words translated ‘grace’.
In the Old Testament :
Grace = Chen = Favour, acceptance = Some special standing or privilege with God or people
In the New Testament:
Grace = charis = That which causes joy, pleasure, gratification, favour, acceptance, for a kindness granted or desired, a benefit, thanks, gratitude = The absolutely free expression of the loving kindness of God to men finding its only motive in the bounty and benevolence of the giver = The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in life.
“Grace is that divine, invisible, immaterial property or veritable substance in the Godhead that
empowers you to function as a representation of God, and also resources you, thus enabling you
to function in a particular way to get work done effectively according to the plan of God.”
(Thamo Naidoo)
God’s grace is the substance and property by which God is constituted. This divine, supernatural
endowment or deposit is imparted to a person, enabling that person to become all that God has destined them to be and empowers them to successfully execute His will upon the earth. It bestows upon the recipient enablement, empowerment, favour, acceptance and privilege, causing joy and contentment as the person develops into the fullness of his predetermined identity as a son of God.
Point to Ponder
Grace bestows upon the recipient enablement, empowerment, favour, acceptance and privilege, causing joy and contentment as the person develops into the fullness of his predetermined
identity and function as a son of God.
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